"Biblioteca Popular Florentino Ameghino, una olla popular libresca para atenuar la hambruna cultural que nos aqueja"

Dante Balestro

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Títulos en inglés!

Following the death of his father, David Balfour finds that he has wealthy kinsmen in a nearby town, and that his father's wish was that he would seek them out. Upon his arrival at his uncle's house, David discovers that he is unwelcome, and slowly the truth of his identity begins to unravel.

Kidnapped is more than a story about a young man's search for his true birthright, however – Stevenson knew that more than that was needed to capture a young adult's attention for the length of an entire novel. Even as David is working out the meaning of his uncle’s odd behavior, his newfound relative is plotting against him. David suddenly finds himself kidnapped and aboard a ship destined for the American colonies, where he is to be sold into servitude, presumably at his uncle's behest.

For a number os years, William Harris plays a game with a ghost before he goes to sleep. The ghost is a poltergeist that William calls 'Poldy'. At the beginning William and Poldy play a friendly game every night, but then the game begins to change. It becomes a dangerous game. Who will win?

Mr Michael Gray is murdered. He is found in his study. With a whisky glass in his hand. The door and the window where both locked from the inside. There are 5 suspects, Lady Elizabeth, Colonel William Fawcett, Miss Angela Everett, Mr Andrew Cavell and Mrs Nancy Flack. K has 3 questions, How?, Who?, Why? K soon finds out that all 5 have a motive.


The stories in this book are exciting and sometimes very strange. Some are sad and some are happy. We meet many interesting people - a young man in love, a lonely customer in a shop, a shy soldier. Strange things happen to all these people. But life is strange sometimes.

Rebecca is the story of a woman named Rebecca… oh wait. Nope. It's totally and completely not. It's actually the story of the wealthy, dashing, and creepy widower, Maxim de Winter, and his fabulous country estate, Manderley. It's narrated by Maxim's second wife, known only as Mrs. de Winter, who finds herself living in the shadows of Maxim's first wife (that's Rebecca, although we never meet her). The novel has been adapted for the stage, and both the big and small screen. Even Alfred Hitchcock took a stab at it in his 1940 feature film. Rebecca was Hitchcock's first American movie, and it won Oscars for Best Picture, and Best Cinematographer, Black-and-White, while garnering a nomination for Best Director (a prize Hitchcock never did win). The movie is a must-see, a classic piece of cinematic history. But, you'll probably enjoy it a lot more when you've devoured the deliciously disturbing novel on which it's based.

J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield recounts the days following his expulsion from Pencey Prep, a private school. After a fight with his roommate, Stradlater, Holden leaves school two days early to explore New York before returning home, interacting with teachers, prostitutes, nuns, an old girlfriend, and his sister along the way. J.D. Salinger's classic The Catcher in the Rye illustrates a teenager's dramatic struggle against death and growing up.



martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Nuestra Literatura Juninense

Lo definitivo opera como otra máquina para desgarrar "tanto buen decir y bien pensar" en el subsistema berreta del prestigio de la poesía argentina contemporánea y sus prebendas; en su abismo crece la experiencia con la verdad de un poeta que ya ha cumplido largos años de búsqueda e inclemencia en el interior del interior de un país perdido (fotografía, tiempo, lenguaje).

"Hoy me siento una más del universo, / la llama del amor, en mí encendida. / Te doy gracias "Dios" por esta vida / por momentos quizá, inmerecida. / Pido perdón y también perdono. / Por eso vida, estoy agradecida."

"Soy un ínfimo "Big-bang"; / un cataclismo de entrecasa; / un pequeño inventor de naderías; / un remedo de Dios en alpargatas; / un piloto de pruebas de la vida. / Algo más que la nada. / Algo menos, es nada."

Judas pasó a la historia ligado a la traición política de su amigo y compañero Jesús en la esfera pública. Aquí la construcción de la voz poética nos acerca a otra mirada: la de la esfera privada y subjetiva, la del Judas de carne y hueso, quien a diferencia de Cristo, que debió soportar la pasión divina, sobrelleva la pasión humana, la del padecimiento por todas las dudas, culpas, tormentos e imperfecciones inherentes a esta condición.

El autor "(...) desanda caminos y los transita desde la casa de sus padres, su infancia y su barrio hasta la ciudad toda. Con palabras simples, describe lugares emblemáticos, figuras y personajes conocidos y hasta cuenta cuentos.
Versos y cuentos que tienen su mérito y que a muchos planteará interrogantes por la curiosidad de saber cómo era Junín, para compararlo con el de hoy."